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Solitude:  Intentional time set apart to be with God.  Every day we need to step out of our distractions to regain focus and maintain trust in Him.


Here are some of the methods and resources* we use/have used to stay focused on our relationship with God and spend time with Him (almost) every day.  Also check out these blogs for more thoughts on the importance of personal time with God:  A Firm Foundation  and Faith is a Crutch (?)    Click here for a Model of Brief Solitude if time is short.  The Devotions page also offers ongoing encouragement and ideas.


Prayer is talking and listening to God.  Like any other relationship, conversation helps us know each other better.  One problem is we tend to forget the listening part and make prayer all about the requests.  Physically involving yourself in prayer can help maintain focus and prevent distraction (or dozing :-) )

Here are some suggestions:

  • Location - find a place that you dedicate to prayer, someplace that removes whatever options usually distract you

  • Posture - find a position that keeps you comfortable and relaxed, but not asleep. Stand, kneel, sit at a table, etc.

  • Move - pray while you walk or run, the same way you have a conversation on a stroll with a friend

  • Stretch - Yoga or Tai Chi positions and movements are good for you physically, and the  controlled breathing will also keep you calm and centered, great for tuning out trouble and listening to God.

God's Word

This one's obvious right, but sometimes we get caught up in what to read.  Here's the thing - God's word is awesome and He can speak to you through it.  Don't worry about finding the "right" verse, just read and listen.  Use a Bible app, calendar or to get daily verses or reading plans​ or revisit the readings from a previous worship service .  Pray, then read slowly or repeatedly, think about it and pray some more.  Trust the God who wants a relationship with you to make it worth your time.



Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Day by Day: A 40-day Journey with the Daily Office.

Scazzero, Peter. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2014.

Twice a day devotional readings to help you grasp the importance and develop a pattern of pausing in your life to spend time with God.


Spiritual Simplicity: Doing Less, Loving More.

Ingram, Chip, and Chris Tiegreen. New York: Howard, 2013. 

Prioritize your time by "doing less because we love more"


Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence.

Young, Sarah. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2016.

A 365 day devotional written from the perspective of Jesus writing personal notes to you, based on scripture.


In addition to daily Solitude, it's good to take some extended time once in a while.  Focus on a particular decision or situation, or take time to learn new techniques for your daily solitude at home.  You can visit our retreat facilities at Marmutt Woods in northern Wisconsin.  We also recommend and share materials with Run Hard, Rest Well, based in Northern Indiana.  Click the links below for more information


You can also hear God when you listen to others.  Podcasts and sermon recordings can be a great addition to your daily prayer time, especially while driving, biking, running, or mowing.  Try Louie Giglio, J.D. Greear, No Regrets Mens Ministry  or any other author or speaker you enjoy.

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*A note about suggested resources - You will find a wide range of Christian Denominations represented in the authors and speakers listed here.  We filter their methods and message through our own denominational beliefs and background, and encourage you to do the same.  Though we may disagree on some points, this site is about knowing Jesus as our savior, following Him, and sharing Him with our families.  We won't recommend anyone whose material, when used properly, doesn't seem to be helpful toward that purpose.

Follow Jesus, Lead Your Family

Scripture quotes, unless otherwise noted, from: THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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