Devotional / Blog
This site and occasional gatherings are just a couple options to help you follow Jesus and lead your family - use them in whatever way works best for you.
Short devotional posts are on the Devotions page. Use the contact page to request to be on the mostly weekly enouragement text list.
Truths About Being A Man:
If your life is perfect, you don't need Jesus,
If we're honest we all need Jesus.
Following Jesus does NOT make all your problems go away.
Trusting Jesus DOES make handling those problems easier.
We are called to be the spiritual leaders of our families (Ephesians 6:4).
We are better equipped to lead when we are following Jesus ourselves.
Daily time in God's word and prayer is a huge part of following Jesus.
We can and should help and encourage each other.
We will fail repeatedly, but that's ok - see number 2.
Local Men's Bible Study
Once a month on the 2nd Thursday at 730 at Mutt's house we meet for a short video, discussion, and prayer requests (and snacks). If you want to watch the video on your own or get more details
No Regrets Mens Conference
Feb 1, 2025
A one day Men's conference with speakers, worship, and lunch - Thousands of guys together on one day sharing and growing in Faith at the main event and streaming sites all over the world.
Get info on local and individual streaming, learn more about the live event at Elmbrook in Brookfield WI, and veiw past speakers at this link.
Jan 30 - Feb 2, 2025
A relaxing or adventurous weekend together with other men of God to be built up in your faith, encouraged, and challenged. This full weekend retreat will be a time of disruption of the norm while being surrounded by God’s creation and in fellowship with each other and Jesus. See more and register at this link..