These are the web sites for a few of the resources* we've used with groups to encourage families to share their faith in their home. If you would like to know more about how to use these resources in your church or community, please contact us and we'd be happy to talk or come and visit to get you started.
Family Prayer Ideas
A short list of suggestions and thoughts for praying as a family
Faith Legacy/Kids Kount Publishing
Resources for families and curriculum for congregational family ministry and Sunday School
Answers in Genesis
Apologetics resources for families and curriculum for congregational family and children's ministry
Faith Inkubators
Multiple resources for Faith formation, both in the congregation and in the home.
Family Time Training
Age appropriate resources for teaching the Faith at home, based on weekly lessons that set the foundation for reinforcing throughout the week.
Sticky Faith
Fuller Youth Institute's research-backed resources for families to help kids stick with their Faith after they move out of the house.
Lent and Holy Week Family Resources
Devotions and information to use at home...
*A note about suggested resources - You will find a wide range of Christian Denominations represented in the authors and speakers listed here. We filter their methods and message through our own denominational beliefs and background, and encourage you to do the same. Though we may disagree on some points, this site is about knowing Jesus as our savior, following Him, and sharing Him with our families. We won't recommend anyone whose material, when used properly, doesn't seem to be helpful toward that purpose.