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Helping Churches Help Families

If you believe as we do that this needs to be a top priority for congregations, we will help enhance your youth and family ministry programs as we train your parents and volunteers; connect them to resources, and provide individualized attention to establish the structure and schedule that is best for your church community.

Family Spiritual Leadership


On line we're here to encourage Parents in their personal faith with devotions and resources.


In person we can provide training for parents and grandparents so they can be more comfortable sharing their faith in their homes.


We can also work with whole families in a cross generational setting, enabling them to share faith with each other through a guided experience.

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Volunteer Training


Whether you're bringing in someone new or have an established group of volunteers - reconnecting for training, group building, and fellowship can be a big boost to your youth and family ministry.

Program Development


We can assist your staff person or lead volunteers in assessing your needs and establishing or improving your programs for youth and family ministry.

With 20 years in full time ministry plus a degree in management and experience in secular business settings - Mike "Mutt" Rieck can provide programming, planning, vision setting, organization and volunteer training for Youth and Family Ministry in your Christian Faith Community.
Follow Jesus, Lead Your Family

Scripture quotes, unless otherwise noted, from: THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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